miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009


All plants produce chemical compounds as part of their normal metabolic activities. These include primary metabolites, such as sugars and fats, found in all plants, and secondary metabolites found in a smaller range of plants, some useful ones found only in a particular genus or species. Pigments harvest light, protect the organism from radiation and display colors to attract pollinators. Many common weeds have medicinal properties.[40][41]

The functions of secondary metabolites are varied. For example, some secondary metabolites are toxins used to deter predation, and others are pheromones used to attract insects for pollination. Phytoalexins protect against bacterial and fungal attacks. Allelochemicals inhibit rival plants that are competing for soil and light.

Plants upregulate and downregulate their biochemical paths in response to the local mix of herbivores, pollinators and microorganisms.[42] The chemical profile of a single plant may vary over time as it reacts to changing conditions. It is the secondary metabolites and pigments that can have therapeutic actions in humans and which can be refined to produce drugs.

Plants synthesize a bewildering variety of phytochemicals but most are derivatives of a few biochemical motifs.

  • Alkaloids contain a ring with nitrogen. Many alkaloids have dramatic effects on the central nervous system. Caffeine is an alkaloid that provides a mild lift but the alkaloids in datura cause severe intoxication and even death.
  • Phenolics contain phenol rings. The anthocyanins that give grapes their purple color, the isoflavones, the phytoestrogens from soy and the tannins that give tea its astringency are phenolics.
  • Terpenoids are built up from terpene building blocks. Each terpene consists of two paired isoprenes. The names monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, diterpenes and triterpenes are based on the number of isoprene units. The fragrance of rose and lavender is due to monoterpenes. The carotenoids produce the reds, yellows and oranges of pumpkin, corn and tomatoes.
  • Glycosides consist of a glucose moiety attached to an aglycone. The aglycone is a molecule that is bioactive in its free form but inert until the glycoside bond is broken by water or enzymes. This mechanism allows the plant to defer the availability of the molecule to an appropriate time, similar to a safety lock on a gun. An example is the cyanoglycosides in cherry pits that release toxins only when bitten by a herbivore.

The word drug itself comes from the Dutch word "druug" (via the French word Drogue), which means 'dried plant'. Some examples are inulin from the roots of dahlias, quinine from the cinchona, morphine and codeine from the poppy, and digoxin from the foxglove.

The active ingredient in willow bark, once prescribed by Hippocrates, is salicin, which is converted in the body into salicylic acid. The discovery of salicylic acid would eventually lead to the development of the acetylated form acetylsalicylic acid, also known as "aspirin", when it was isolated from a plant known as meadowsweet. The word aspirin comes from an abbreviation of meadowsweet's Latin genus Spiraea, with an additional "A" at the beginning to acknowledge acetylation, and "in" was added at the end for easier pronunciation.[43] "Aspirin" was originally a brand name, and is still a protected trademark in some countries. This medication was patented by Bayer AG.

Few herbal remedies have conclusively demonstrated any positive effect on humans, mainly because of inadequate testing.[74] Many of the studies cited refer to animal model investigations or in-vitro assays and therefore cannot provide more than weak supportive evidence.

  • Aloe vera has traditionally been used for the healing of burns and wounds.[75] A systematic review (from 1999) states that the efficacy of aloe vera in promoting wound healing is unclear, while a later review (from 2007) concludes that the cumulative evidence supports the use of aloe vera for the healing of first to second degree burns.[76][77]
  • Agaricus blazei mushrooms may prevent some types of cancer.[78]
  • Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) may reduce production cholesterol levels according to in vitro studies [79] and a small clinical study.[80]
  • Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) leaf has drawn the attention of the cosmetology community because it interferes with the metalloproteinases that contribute to skin wrinkling.[81]
  • Black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) may have a role in preventing oral cancer.[82][83][84]
  • Butterbur (Petasites hybridus)
  • Calendula (Calendula officinalis) has been used traditionally for abdominal cramps and constipation.[85] In animal research an aqueous-ethanol extract of Calendula officinalis flowers was shown to have both spasmolytic and spasmogenic effects, thus providing a scientific rationale for this traditional use.[86] There is "limited evidence" that calendula cream or ointment is effective in treating radiation dermatitis.[87][88]
  • Cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos) may be effective in treating urinary tract infections in women with recurrent symptoms.[89]
  • Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea pallida, Echinacea purpurea) extracts may limit the length and severity of rhinovirus colds; however, the appropriate dosage levels, which might be higher than is available over-the-counter, require further research.[90][91]
  • Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) may speed the recovery from type A and B influenza.[92] However it is possibly risky in the case of avian influenza because the immunostimulatory effects may aggravate the cytokine cascade.[93]
  • Feverfew (Chrysanthemum parthenium) is sometimes used to treat migraine headaches.[94]Although many reviews of Feverfew studies show no or unclear efficacy, a more recent RTC showed favorable results[95][96][97]Feverfew is not recommended for pregnant women as it may be dangerous to the fetus.[98][99]
  • Gawo (Faidherbia albida), a traditional herbal medicine in West Africa, has shown promise in animal tests [100]
  • Garlic (Allium sativum) may lower total cholesterol levels[101]
  • German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) has demonstrated antispasmodic, anxiolytic, antiinflammatory and some antimutagenic and cholesterol-lowering effects in animal research.[102] In vitro chamomile has demonstrated moderate antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and significant antiplatelet activity, as well as preliminary results against cancer.[103][104] Essential oil of chamomile was shown to be a promising antiviral agent against herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) in vitro. [105]
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale), administered in 250 mg capsules for four days, effectively decreased nausea and vomiting of pregancy in a human clinical trial.[106][107]
  • Green tea (Camelia sinensis) components may inhibit growth of breast cancer cells[108] and may heal scars faster.[109]
  • Purified extracts of the seeds of Hibiscus sabdariffa may have some antihypertensive, antifungal and antibacterial effect. Toxicity tested low except for an isolated case of damage to the testes of a rat after prolonged and excessive consumption.[110]
  • Honey may reduce cholesterol.[111] May be useful in wound healing.[112]
  • Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus), administered daily as an aqueous extract of the fresh leaf, has lowered total cholesterol and fasting plasma glucose levels in rats, as well as increasing HDL cholesterol levels. Lemon grass administration had no effect on triglyceride levels. [113]
  • Magnolia
  • Milk thistle extracts have been recognized for many centuries as "liver tonics.".[114] Research suggests that milk thistle extracts both prevent and repair damage to the liver from toxic chemicals and medications.[115]
  • Nigella sativa (Black cumin) has demonstrated analgesic properties in mice. The mechanism for this effect, however, is unclear. In vitro studies support antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and immune modulating effects.[116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127] However few randomized double blind studies have been published.
  • Ocimum gratissimum[128][129] and tea tree oil can be used to treat acne.
  • Oregano may be effective against multi-drug resistant bacteria.[130]
  • Pawpaw can be used as insecticide (killing lice, worms).[131],[132]
  • Peppermint oil may have benefits for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome.[133][134]
  • Phytolacca or Pokeweed is used as a homeopathic remedy to treat many ailments. It can be applied topically or taken internally. Topical treatments have been used for acne and other ailments. It is used to treatment tonsilitis, swollen glands and weight loss.[citation needed]
  • Pomegranate contains the highest percentage of ellagitannins of any commonly consumed juice. Punicalagin, an ellagitannin unique to pomegranate, is the highest molecular weight polyphenol known.[135] Ellagitannins are metabolized into urolithins by gut flora, and have been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth in mice.[136][137]
  • Rauvolfia Serpentina, high risk of toxicity if improperly used[citation needed], used extensively in India for sleeplessness, anxiety, and high blood pressure.[138]
  • Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) contains a number of phenolic compounds, including flavanols, flavones, flavanones, flavonols, and dihydrochalcones.[139] Rooibos has traditionally been used for skin ailments, allergies, asthma and colic in infants.[140] In an animal study with diabetic mice, aspalathin, a rooibos constituent improved glucose homeostasis by stimulating insulin secretion in pancreatic beta cells and glucose uptake in muscle tissue.[141]
  • Rose hips – Small scale studies indicate that hips from Rosa Canina may provide benefits in the treatment of osteoarthritis.[142][143][144]Rose hips show anti COX activity.[145]
  • Salvia lavandulaefolia may improve memory[146]
  • Saw Palmetto can be used for BPH. Supported in some studies,[147] failed to confirm in otherrs.[148]
  • Shiitake mushrooms (Lentinus edodes) are edible mushrooms that have been reported to have health benefits, including cancer-preventing properties.[149] In laboratory research a shiitake extract has inhibited the growth of tumor cells through induction of apoptosis.[150] Both a water extract and fresh juice of shiitake have demonstrated antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria and fungi in vitro.[151][152]
  • Soy and other plants that contain phytoestrogens (plant molecules with estrogen activity) (black cohosh probably has serotonin activity) have some benefits for treatment of symptoms resulting from menopause.[153]
  • St. John's wort, has yielded positive results, proving more effective than a placebo for the treatment of mild to moderate depression in some clinical trials[154] A subsequent, large, controlled trial, however, found St. John's wort to be no better than a placebo in treating depression[155] However, more recent trials have shown positive results[156][157][158] or positive trends that failed significance.[159] A 2004 meta-analysis concluded that the positive results can be explained by publication bias[160] but later analyses have been more favorable.[161][162]The Cochrane Database cautions that the data on St. John's wort for depression are conflicting and ambiguous.[163]
  • Stinging nettle In some clinical studies effective for enign prostatic hyperplasia[164] and the pain associated with osteoarthritis.[165] In-vitro tests show antiinflammatory action.[166] In a rodent model, stinging nettle reduced LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol. [167] In another rodent study it reduced platelet aggregation.[168]
  • Valerian root can be used to treat insomnia. Clinical studies show mixed results and researchers note that many trials are of poor quality.[169][170][171]
  • Vanilla

Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that occur in living organisms in order to maintain life. These processes allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments. Metabolism is usually divided into two categories. Catabolism breaks down organic matter, for example to harvest energy in cellular respiration. Anabolism, on the other hand, uses energy to construct components of cells such as proteins and nucleic acids.


Secondary metabolites are organic compounds that are not directly involved in the normal growth, development or reproduction of organisms. Unlike primary metabolites, absence of secondary metabolities results not in immediate death, but in long-term impairment of the organism's survivability/fecundity or aesthetics, or perhaps in no significant change at all. Secondary metabolites are often restricted to a narrow set of species within a phylogenetic group


The function or importance of these compounds to the organism is usually of an ecological nature as they are used as defenses against predators, parasites and diseases, for interspecies competition, and to facilitate the reproductive processes (coloring agents, attractive smells, etc). Since these compounds are usually restricted to a much more limited group of organisms, they have long been of prime importance in taxonomic research.

Secondary metabolites may be likely candidates for drug or other technological development directly, or as an inspiration for unnatural products. This will concern secondary metabolites in plants, bacteria, fungi and many marine organisms (sponges, tunicates, corals, snails). In some cases, higher organisms will host a microorganism which is the actual producer of the product in question, as part of a symbiotic relationship.

Categories of Secondary metabolites:

Most of the secondary metabolites of interest to humankind fit into categories which classify secondary metabolites based on their biosynthetic origin. Since secondary metabolites are often created by modified primary metabolite synthases, or "borrow" substrates of primary metabolite origin, these categories should not be interpreted as saying that all molecules in the category are secondary metabolites (for example the steroid category), but rather that there are secondary metabolites in these categories.

Small Molecules

Big "small molecules", produced by large, modular, "molecular factories"

Alkaloids are naturally occurring chemical compounds containing basic nitrogen atoms.[1] The name derives from the word alkaline and was used to describe any nitrogen-containing base. Alkaloids are produced by a large variety of organisms, including bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals and are part of the group of natural products (also called secondary metabolites). Many alkaloids can be purified from crude extracts by acid-base extraction. Many alkaloids are toxic to other organisms. They often have pharmacological effects and are used as medications and recreational drugs. Examples are the local anesthetic and stimulant cocaine, the stimulant caffeine, nicotine, the analgesic morphine, or the antimalarial drug quinine. Some alkaloids have a bitter taste.

YOU ARE TO GO TO THE FOLLOWING SITE http://www.genome.jp/kegg/plant/

Ethnobotany (from "ethnology" - study of culture[1] and "botany" - study of plants) is the scientific study of the relationships that exist between people and plants.

Ethnobotanists aim to reliably document, describe and explain complex relationships between cultures and (uses of) plants: focusing, primarily, on how plants are used, managed and perceived across human societies (eg. as foods; as medicines; in divination; in cosmetics; in dyeing; as textiles; in construction; as tools; as currency; as clothing; in literature; in rituals; and in social life.)[2]

Source Wikipedia.org

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